Kornerstone Technology Blog

Kornerstone Technology Inc. (KSTech) is a provider of technology and business solutions. We also have provided comprehensive support solutions for our customers since 2006.

The Dark Web Is the Last Place You Want Your Data

The Dark Web Is the Last Place You Want Your Data

What happens to all the data that gets stolen by hackers during their despicable campaigns? Sometimes it gets destroyed, but more often than not, it ends up on the Dark Web, where it’s put to other nefarious purposes. Today, we want to discuss the Dark Web and why it’s so important you monitor it for your business’ data.

What is the Dark Web?

You can think of the Dark Web as the seedy underbelly of the Internet—the part where all sorts of shady dealings occur.

All of the stuff that’s generally frowned upon and quickly reported or taken down on the regular Internet is right at home on the dark web. Markets for stolen information, sale of illicit drugs and firearms, botnet operations, human trafficking… you name it, the Dark Web has it. In order to access the Dark Web, you need special software, like the web browser Tor, or prior authorization.

Dark Web access points are typically encrypted, so websites cannot track the location or IP of their users, allowing for greater anonymity and confidentiality than on the surface web.

How Does Your Data Get on the Dark Web?

Generally speaking, the most common reason your data would be on the Dark Web is due to a data leak or cybersecurity breach.

Following a data breach—especially a ransomware attack—hackers might put data up for sale on the black market in an attempt to make some serious coin off your misery. It doesn’t even have to be your fault, either; major businesses and corporations, including vendors you may use, experience vulnerabilities in their systems and cybersecurity breaches all the time. If any website or service you utilize, for personal or professional purposes, has ever been the victim of a cybersecurity breach, there’s a good chance your data is floating around on the dark web, waiting for someone to snatch it up and exploit it.

Obviously, any of your business’ data (including login credentials, personal information, or private data) is a problem, but what do you do about it?

Regular Dark Web Monitoring is Crucial for Cybersecurity

It’s simple, really; you scan the Dark Web for your business’ data.

The last thing you want is for account credentials, like email and passwords, or even credit card information available on the Dark Web. With monitoring tools, you can discover any compromised credentials and take swift action to correct the situation. Doing so can prevent a future security breach, identity theft, fraud, and other crimes.

In a way, you can think about the sheer presence of your business’ data on the Dark Web as an indicator that you should take action… whether that’s changing passwords, hunkering down on security, or otherwise.

We don’t recommend you monitor the Dark Web yourself; instead, leave it to the security professionals at Kornerstone Technology Inc.. We can scan for your company’s information and help you take the correct course of action. Call us today at 818-206-6383 to learn more.

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